Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where's The Love?

Some things just disgust me with American society. Minus the evils of capitalism, I cannot stand how some Americans chose not to stand behind President Obama. Although I'm biased, canvassing for Obama before his presidency, I just do not understand the widespread panic that has ensued in America since Nov. 4, 2008. Sure, Obama is the first "black president" (actually only half black), but what is the purpose of tearing the man down? He fairly won the election so I wish the animosity would subside.

This rant is the result of stupidity on the behalf of some parents in this country. Obama decided to talk to students about the their lethargic attitudes, yet Americans across the country see this as an attempt to indoctrinate their children with socialistic ideas. Did these parents forget that President Kennedy called on American youth to personally take responsibility for the transitions that the U.S. was experiencing in the 1960s? It is the same thing! Both Democratic presidents pushed for agendas that tried to motivate all Americans to take pride in their country. I just do not understand how this can be construed as socialism?

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