A lot of people throw around the term "religion" and seemingly try to hide behind some Higher Being. This is in no way a rant that possesses any atheistic or agnostic undertones. I am a professed Christian and have believed in the Christian sense of a god since I was a young child. My only qualm with excessive religiousness is that I believe that it is more of a disease than an ideology. I grew up in
Lynchburg, VA, an area that is world-renowned for being the home of great Christian leaders. I support Christianity in every sense, yet I believe that certain ideals that are espoused by some Christians can potentially be detrimental to the spread of toleration that is needed in today's world.
Keeping with the theme on the "war against terror," I have chosen to play devil's advocate and take the side that is less accepted by radical Christian types... excessive Christianity can be linked with Islamic extremist organizations (i.e. the Taliban). Radical Christian groups throughout the United States have increasingly become the status
quo in American society. The statement that terrorism is evil supported by every red-blooded American, yet domestic terrorism via radical Christian groups is starting to compete with Islamic extremism. Radical Christian groups organize rallies to try to stop illegal immigration and abortion; however, their activities are promoting intolerance that can possibly tear America apart. Instead of bombing abortion clinics and denouncing abortion, which by law is legal, these radical Christians should try to emphasize safe sex practices that would decrease the chances of unplanned pregnancies. The opposition to illegal immigration presents another set of challenges in trying to stop intolerable acts. We, including foreign immigrants, are all God's creations. Who is to say that we are mighty enough to decide who should or shouldn't live in this country? America is known as the great "melting pot." This title wasn't given to a country that espouses radical views. In case radical Christians forget this point, they need not look any further to their ancestors to show that immigration is necessary. Immigration, due to reasons such as religious persecution and an oppression of civil liberties is part of the reason why we are all American citizens today.