I was recently talking to one of my friend's mom and she enlightened us on the growing Pacific Garbage Patch. The PGP, as I have dubbed it, is no laughing matter. It occupies a space in the Pacific Ocean that is estimated to be roughly twice the size of Texas. If we don't act soon, the PGP will grow to astronomical sizes that will not only threaten ocean wildlife, but also neighboring continents.
The PGP was formally discovered from research during the 1980s. The research showed that 80% of the debri in the PGP comes from land, while 20% comes from ships. The PGP threatens wildlife because it is invading their niches with pollution; this pollution is in turn eaten my ocean wildlife. Once debri from the PGP is consumed by wildlife, it wreaks havoc on their digestive systems. Countless birds and turtles have fed this trash to their young, caused premature deaths. I plan on becoming actively involved in doing my part to eliminate this threat. The solution is simple: start recycling! Most cities, if not all, have some form of recycling facilities. I suggest that we all start doing our part to eradicate this tradegy by becoming active recyclers. Do we really want future generations growing up knowing that we were aware of this problem and did nothing to try to stop it?
You ain't gotta say "one of my friend's moms," Pam knows you talkin' bout her, foo.